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Prints a Java Script function which checks a string against a matching pattern.
#include "sajavasc.h"
int SaJavaSimpleFormat();
Returns an integer with a value of 0.
Prints a Java Script function which checks a string against a matching pattern. The Java Script function accepts two parameters: the first is the string to check and the second is the pattern to check against. Both strings must be non-empty and of the same length. The following meta characters are recognized in the pattern string:
- # - a digit
- @ - alpha-numeric character
- ? - lower or upper case character
- a - lower case character
- A - upper case character
- * - no check performed (any character)
anything else - must match exactly
The code fragment:\x7f
will write a string to standard out which is equivalent to the contents of the file:
in the Sapphire distribution.
SaJavaSsnCheck, SaJavaZipCheck, SaJavaCardCheck, SaJavaNoEmptyFields, SaJavaDateFixNow, SaJavaIsAllDigits, SaJavaIsAllLetters, SaJavaIsFieldNotBlank, SaJavaValEmail, SaJavaState, SaRegJsScripts, SaPrintJsScripts, SaJavaCallFunc
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